Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Work of India Volunteer Care

Who are we?

Located in Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu, India Volunteer Care was created to make an avenue through which international volunteers can come and offer their services. We comprise of a small group of like-minded local people who aim to identify and place international volunteers where they are most needed: in emerging, small-scale and grassroots organisations that lack the necessary means to attract and accommodate international volunteers, but would benefit greatly from outside assisstance and knowledge. 

India Volunteer Care was born out of a genuine concern for the suffering that is apparent in the area where we live and work. We observed the growing popularity of travelling abroad to do volunteer work in India, and we wanted to use this trend to benefit the underprivileged population the NGOs in our region serve.

Why have we created a blog?

  • To allow the public to follow our amazing story as the organisation, as well as our partner organisations, continue to progress and evolve
  • To give the reader an insight of the work involved with NGOs in India
  • To introduce the reader to the amazing people supported by our organisation, their personalities and the joy that they bring into our lives.

Prime Trust, our sister organisation

Prime Trust focuses on programs that empower local women, enable rural and urban poor to become self-reliant, raise social awareness, and educate underprivileged children. The organisation's reach has grown every year since its inception in 2002 thanks to its support from India Volunteer Care and other NGOs, also by putting the power of change in the hands of the people who need it the most.

An Evening of Kind Words, Dance and a Few Tears

Farewell Paula

Every single person who walks through the door to work with us is invaluable, each having such an impact on the organisation and the lives of the people supported by India Volunteer Care. Paula, who travelled from Spain to work with us for two months was no exception. She has accomplished so much during her time here, teaching the girls at Janani Home many new lessons and skills, such as how to care for and respect your body through the practise of meditation and yoga. 

Her departure was felt by all. However, all of our staff and the girls at Janani Home made sure to throw a wonderful farewell party. The girls worked hard on their goodbye cards, featuring the kindest words and colourful characters. These will no doubt be cherished by Paula forever. 

Just when it seemed that the excitement was coming to an end, the girls surprised us with a terrific dance which they had spent much time rehearsing. Their huge smiles and grins were dazzling and extremely contagious. Paula also treated us to a performance of some Spanish dancing. Some of the girls began to imitate the moves, soon stopping though to marvel at Paula, dancing with such attitude and style. 

It is extremely difficult to say farewell to someone so amazing, but the party is now a precious memory for all to cherish. This perhaps is not surprising, precious memories are abundant with such a wonderful group of people. There will no doubt be many more stories to share.

Give Hope, Share Happiness 💕👕👗

Give Hope, Share Happiness 💕👕👗 ✨ Cloth Donation Drive - 03 March✨ We are reaching out to the homeless community with love and kindne...