Thursday, June 29, 2023
Life skill development program by the FLY HIGHER INDIA team
Life skill development program by the FLYHIGHER INDIA team
21st century skills are a set of abilities that children need to develop in order to succeed in the information age. 21st-century skills equip today’s children to find effective solutions for the problems of today and also the problems of tomorrow, which are not perceived as problems at present. In this day and age of technology, where the world around us is changing every second, it's important for us to be adaptive. 21st-century skills enable us to Realize, Learn and Act according to the changes in our surroundings.
On 25.06.2023 the Fly Higher India team conducted a skill development session for the girls at Janani Home. The session was about gratitude, mindfulness, and thankfulness. The sessions were based on the activity. Three activities – Gratitude Tree, Gratitude Greeting Card, and Positive Words Game were conducted. The children participated with enthusiasm.
Prime Trust thanks the FHI team for their valuable time and contribution to the lives of the children.
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Saturday, June 24, 2023
Free dental checkups for the school students at Sabari Vidhyasaram Higher Secondary School, Puducherry.
Free dental checkups for the school students at Sabari Vidhyasaram Higher Secondary School, Puducherry.
Dental checkups are a necessary procedure to help strengthen your teeth, ensure healthy gums, and improve your overall oral health. Seeing a dentist helps to prevent issues that could end up being irreversible if not treated. When you need extra attention to remove plaque and tartar, routine dental checkups will remove these problem areas and mitigate future issues.
On 24.06.2023 Prime Trust conducted a free dental camp along with VEL Dental Hospital for the students in Sabari Vidhyasaram Higher Secondary School, Puducherry. A school that supports underprivileged children and those who excel in sports and games. (
Initially, the students were given an awareness talk by Dr. Thangavelu, Director, of VEL Dental Clinic. The importance of brushing twice a day, the method of brushing, the significance of dental health, etc. was explained to the students. Then they were given a dental checkup. Around 170 children got the dental check-up.
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Friday, June 23, 2023
Yoga day celebration at Janani Home in hands with Vel dental team
Yoga day celebration at Janani Home in hands with Vel dental team
The International Day of Yoga has been celebrated across the world annually on June 21 since 2015, following its inception in the United Nations General Assembly in 2014. Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India. The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his UN address in 2014, had suggested the date of June 21, as it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and shares a special significance in many parts of the world.
On 21.06.2023 the Vel Dental Team along with a yoga trainer taught yoga to the children at Janani home and a few children from the nearby community. Simple yoga Asanas were taught and the children enjoyed participation and love to continue every day. It was a good learning experience for them.
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Thursday, June 22, 2023
Distribution of sparingly used clothes to the local community!
Distribution of sparingly used clothes to the local community!
Those of us who are kind, and compassionate experience clear benefits to our well-being and happiness. We may even live longer. Kindness also helps reduce stress and improve our emotional well-being. By taking the time to be kind to others, we can benefit from emotional upsides. It really does make a difference, especially for people who are vulnerable or struggling.
On 20.06.2023, the staff members of Janani Home distributed sparingly used clothes for men, women, and children to the underprivileged people of RasuUdaiyarThottam, Uppalam. We thank the donor who made this contribution!
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Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Picnic to Arignar Anna Zoological Park, Vandalur & Mahabalipuram
Picnic to Arignar Anna Zoological Park, Vandalur & Mahabalipuram
Arignar Anna Zoological Park (abbreviated AAZP), also known as the Vandalur Zoo, is a zoological garden located in Vandalur, is in the southwestern part of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Established in 1855, it is the first public zoo in India. It is affiliated with the Central Zoo Authority of India.Spread over an area of 602 hectares (1,490 acres), including a 92.45-hectare (228.4-acre) rescue and rehabilitation center, the park is the largest zoological park in India. The main objectives of the park are ex-situ propagation of critically endangered species to prevent their extinction, wildlife education and interpretation aimed at a wider public appreciation of wildlife, and wildlife research to promote wildlife conservation and management
On 17.06.2023 the children in Janani home were taken for a one-day trip to the Aringar Anna Zoological Park. We began our travel at 7 am. The children were accompanied by the Founder and staff ofJanani home.It was an exciting trip for the children. We reached the zoo at 10 am. The children were able to watch different kinds of animals and birds. It was a vast area and we had to walk a long distance. It was an informative and refreshing trip. After visiting the zoo the team headed to Mahabalipuram. It was quite interesting to see Shore Temple and Monuments.
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Monday, June 19, 2023
Activities for the girls in Janani home by the MSW interns from PSG College, Coimbatore
Activities for the girls in Janani home by the MSW interns from PSG College, Coimbatore
Communication exercises and games are interactional activities that aim to develop how we relate to one another, including how we share information and get along. They can be one-on-one or team exercises, but the goal is the same: they help us develop our interpersonal skills and improve our capacity to relate.
On 07.06.2023 the MSW interns from PSG College, Coimbatore conducted games related to communication, dumb charade, and left-hand writing for the girls at Janani home. The activities paved the way for the girls to realize their hidden capacities and it was a time of involvement, interaction, and enjoyment.
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Thursday, June 15, 2023
Drawing session for the children at our Child Care Centre
Drawing session for the children at our Child Care Centre
Children don’t always have the words to express how they’re feeling. Drawing gives children another way to communicate their emotions and thoughts. Along with expressing their emotions, it gives children the opportunity to draw from their imagination and show it to their friends and family. Drawing helps in the development of the following.Motor Skills, Creativity, Cognitive Development, Planning Skills, Eye-Hand Coordination, Visual Perception, Attention Span, and Healthy Emotional Release and Expression.
On 7th and 8th of June 2023 the MSW interns from St. AlbertsCollege, Kerelatook a drawing session for the evening school children at Sishubhavan play school, Muthialpet.The children were very excited to learn to draw different images and they participated with enthusiasm. The session provided the interns with an opportunity to observe and to interact with children.
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Wednesday, June 14, 2023
The Founder of Prime Trust celebrates his 60th birthday !!
The Founder of Prime Trust celebrates his 60th birthday and is superannuated from the Pondicherry University service!
Celebrating a birthday is an age-old tradition with cakes, gifts, and parties. Celebrating a Birthday is an exciting time for everyone, a kid or a grown-up, there is no better day than your birthday. Having a birthday is a confirmation that you were put on this earth for a specific purpose.A birthday signifies your beginning and the joy of life. Every human on earth has been given a chance to fulfill their own unique mission. It is a time to celebrate, reflect and give thanks.
The Founder of Prime Trust, Akshaya Confederation, and India Volunteer Care, Mr. S.M. Arasu celebrated his 60th birthday on 20.05.2023 at Janani Homewith thechildren and the staff of Prime Trust. The children welcomed the founder and his wife with a bouquet. They performed dances and thanked the founder for giving them a safe environment to stay.The Founder and his wife Mrs. Jeanne Francoise were felicitated with shawls followed by a cake cutting. It was a joyous occasion for all! The event ended with the get-together lunch.
Monday, June 12, 2023
Janani Home set an example to the local community by cleaning their unutilized park and makingit for regular usage!
Janani Home set an example to the local community by cleaning their unutilized park and makingit for regular usage!
Colas Nagar is a Locality in Puducherry where our Janani Home for Girls is located. This is named after the former Archbishop of Puducherry, Msgr. Auguste-SimΓ©on Colas for the services he rendered for the people of Puducherry. This is very adjacent to our Home.
It is found that the park provided for Colas Nagar was not used by the public as it is full of bushes and used as a dump yard by the local community. It was our long-term dream to bring it under usage so that the public as well as our children can make use of it.
On 9th June 2023, our team members met our Member of the Legislative Assembly, Mr. AnnibalKennady, and explained the need. He happily accepted and visited Janani and the park and initiated the cleaning process. Instructions were given to the officials of Puducherry Municipality to do the needful.
We the students of PSG College, Coimbatore, staff of Prime Trust, and children of Janani Home involved in the exercise.
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Friday, June 9, 2023
Prime Trust gives farewell to Ms. Shruthi, MSW intern from the Rajagiri college of Social Sciences, Kerela
Prime Trust gives farewell to Ms. Shruthi, MSW intern from the Rajagiri college of Social Sciences, Kerela
On 31.05.2023 the Founder and Managing Director of Prime Trust Mr. SM Arasu and the staff gave farewell to Ms. Shruthi, MSW intern from the Rajagiri college of Social Sciences, Kerela. The intern was felicitated with a shawl and a memento. The intern gave the following feedback - Prime Educational and Social Trust was the best decision I've made. They gave importance and space for my ideas and learnings. They treated me as a part of Prime Trust and allowed me to work without stress and pressure. The trainee got exposure to work in three different places Sishu Bhavan, Janani Home for Girls and Rainbow Nagar evening school. All the staffs were kind and helpful. I want to thank the founder and director, Mr Savarinathan Maria Arasu, for permitting me to work with the Trust, and the staff for their kindness and for teaching me with patience and the students who worked with me. Prime Trust wishes Ms. Shruthi all the very best for her future endeavors.
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Oral hygiene day celebrations at Sishubhavan play school, Muthialpet for the evening remedial school children. Every year, 1st August is...
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