Saturday, August 20, 2022

Independence Day celebrations at Muthialpet Remedial school.


75th Independence Day Celebrations at Muthialpet Remedial School, Sishubhavan.

On Saturday the 13th August 2022, at 12:45 p.m, the Remedial School children at Muthialpet celebrated 75th Independence Day along with the staff members and Mr. S.M. Arasu, Founder Director, Prime Trust.

 Our national flag was hoisted by our special guest Mrs. Jayanthi, staff of Pondicherry University. Some of the children gave speech about the Indian Independence. Few of them, dressed up like freedom fighters and some of the children danced for patriotic songs.

The Founder viewed the drawings made by the children and prizes and certificates were distributed to all the participants.  The program ended at about 1:45 pm with the vote of thanks followed by national anthem.

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